What is it?
The glycemic index of food is a ranking of foods based on their immediate effect on blood glucose
(blood sugar) levels. Carbohydrate foods that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest
glycemic indexes. Their blood sugar response is fast and high. Carbohydrates that breakdown slowly,
releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have low glycemic indexes.
What is the significance of Glycemic Index?
Low GI means a smaller rise in blood sugar and can help control established diabetes
Low GI diets can help people lose weight and lower blood lipids
Low GI diets can improve the body's sensitivity to insulin
High GI foods can help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise
How to switch to a low GI diet
Breakfast cereals based on wheat bran, barley and oats
"Grainy" breads made with whole seeds
Pasta and rice in place of potatoes
Vinegar and lemon juice dressings
In short, the goal should be to build a good plan including the low Glycemic Index foods. This way,
hunger is minimized, and there is less tendency to "cheat" or overeat. Consequently, you can continue
to lose body fat or maintain your weight - once the excess pounds have been lost.
Even for those whose main objective is not fat loss, foods that are low on the glycemic index will
help alleviate mood swings and regulate energy levels.
A low glycemic food plan can be beneficial to:
persons with insulin resistance or Syndrome X
A low glycemic food plan is beneficial for:
helping balance blood glucose and insulin levels
reducing excess body fat levels
increasing sports performance.
(blood sugar) levels. Carbohydrate foods that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest
glycemic indexes. Their blood sugar response is fast and high. Carbohydrates that breakdown slowly,
releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have low glycemic indexes.
What is the significance of Glycemic Index?
Low GI means a smaller rise in blood sugar and can help control established diabetes
Low GI diets can help people lose weight and lower blood lipids
Low GI diets can improve the body's sensitivity to insulin
High GI foods can help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise
How to switch to a low GI diet
Breakfast cereals based on wheat bran, barley and oats
"Grainy" breads made with whole seeds
Pasta and rice in place of potatoes
Vinegar and lemon juice dressings
In short, the goal should be to build a good plan including the low Glycemic Index foods. This way,
hunger is minimized, and there is less tendency to "cheat" or overeat. Consequently, you can continue
to lose body fat or maintain your weight - once the excess pounds have been lost.
Even for those whose main objective is not fat loss, foods that are low on the glycemic index will
help alleviate mood swings and regulate energy levels.
A low glycemic food plan can be beneficial to:
persons with insulin resistance or Syndrome X
A low glycemic food plan is beneficial for:
helping balance blood glucose and insulin levels
reducing excess body fat levels
increasing sports performance.
升糖指數(Glycemic index,簡稱GI),又譯糖生成指數,用於衡量糖類對血糖量的影響。在消化過程中迅速分解並且將葡萄糖迅速釋放到循環系統的糖類具有高升糖指數。反之,在消化過程中緩慢分解並且將葡萄糖逐漸釋放到循環系統的糖類具有低升糖指數。低升糖指數食品有益於大多數人的健康。升糖指數的概念是由多倫多大學的大衛·詹金斯教授(David J. Jenkins)和同事於1980年-1981年在研究最適合糖尿病人的飲食時發展起來的[1]。目录[隐藏] |
升糖指數有兩套不同的計算基準,兩者的數值差距約為1.4倍。以食用後兩小時內血糖的增加值作為比較。- 以純葡萄糖為GI值100
- 以白麵包為GI值100,純葡萄糖為GI值140
- 天曉得是哪種基準下的?
分類 | GI 範圍 | 例如 |
低升糖指數 | 低於55 | 蔬菜和水果(土豆和西瓜除外),雜糧麵包,牛奶 |
中等升糖指數 | 56-69 | 全麥麵包,糙米 |
高升糖指數 | 70-99 | 玉米片,烘烤土豆,羊角麵包,白麵包 |
- ^ ""Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange."", 'Am J Clin Nutr' 34: 362-366